Sending Bulk SMS with UFS Desktop Bulk SMS software.

UFS Bulk SMS App provides an easy and cheap way to reach out to your contacts simultaneously by text message. UFS bulk SMS App is excellent for sending personal text messages, business promotions, reminders, alerts, special notices, account statements etc.

To send Bulk SMS with UFS software, open up UFS SMS App and login to your account – Login panel is located at the topmost right part of UFS SMS App. (You can also save up your login details on UFS for easy future access).

Before proceeding to sending bulk sms, it’s necessary that you have sufficient Bulk SMS Credit unit. Here is information on how to purchase additional Bulk SMS Units.

Once you have funded your account with Bulk SMS credit units, you can now proceed to sending bulk SMS.  Click on “Send Bulk SMS” tab on UFS SMS App (see screenshot below).



The recipient type is either “normal”, “name” or “IntelliCustomSMS”. Normal allows you to type in recipient’s number directly in the recipient box, while “name” allows you to type in the name of a saved contact  in the recipient box. The “IntelliCustomSMS” type is used when sending a personalized message to IntelliCustomSMS formatted numbers.

Select desired recipient type then type in or paste appropriate contact in the recipient textbox.

For the “normal” recipient type, you may type in or paste the phone numbers of the persons you wish to send the bulk sms to directly. For Nigerian numbers, you may omit the country code (- eg 08061111111 and 2348061111111 are acceptable), but for other countries, its important to format the numbers with the appropriate country codes. Separate each of the recipients number by either NewLine (“ENTER”) or by comma.

For the name recipient type, you can type in saved contact names directly in the recipient textbox. Multiple contact names can be separated by NewLine or comma. UFS SMS app automatically retrieve the corresponding gsm numbers of the contacts before sending.

IntellicustomSMS contacts can be formatted as described here.



Type your message in the message box provided. A character counter counts the numbers of characters and corresponding pages of text message while drafting your text message.



Type in the name you wish the recipient to see when he/she receives the text message – within the Sender ID textbox. Note that only 11 characters are accepted. Most mobile network wont deliver messages that has only numbers as  Sender ID.


Click on “Send Bulk SMS” to broadcast your text messages.

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