Below are the current list of countries that we deliver Bulk SMSes. The SMS credit unit cost for each countries are also shown. (Learn more about SMS credit units).
This list is continually being updated to include other destination that we have confirmed SMS delivery.
Country Amount of unit used up per sms
Nigeria (234) 1
Ghana (233) 3
India (91) 3
UK (44) 6
Romania (40) 14
Italy (39) 8
Saudi Arabia (966) 4
South Africa (27) 4
Pakistan (92) 3
US (1) 4
Kenya (254) 4
Australia (61) 8
Canada(1) 4
China (86) 6
Indonesia (62) 5
Spain (34) 8
Germany (49) 12
UK (44) 6
France (33) 10
Egypt (20) 6
Denmark (45) 3
Malaysia (60) 5
Sweden (46) 6
The current cost of each SMS credit unit and information on how to purchase SMS units can be accessed here.
If your target country is not in the list, you can send us some sample numbers so we can conduct test. (Pls send only GSM numbers you can ascertain delivery on).
Send to sms [at]